There are a number of opportunities within the Canadian Government for Youths to get a chance to see how the Government operates from the inside. Some of those opportunities are outlined below.
Elementary & Middle School Students
Ontario’s Legislative Page Programs
Each year approximately 150 young students from across Ontario are selected to participate in Ontario’s Legislative Page Program. This unique educational experience for Ontario students in grades 7 or 8 provides an opportunity to experience the provincial legislature in action and forge new lifelong friendships with peers from all over province!
High School Students
Model Parliament for High School
This educational program at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario is designed for civic-minded high school students in grades 10 to 12, who are interested in current events and provincial issues. This unique experience will bring together 124 students, representing each of the province’s ridings, for a three-day Model Parliament Program in Toronto. Students will have the opportunity to meet key figures in Ontario’s Parliament as well as learn about the parliamentary history and the legislative process through workshops and presentations. Students will also have the opportunity to forge new friendships and meet like-minded students from across Ontario.
Provincial Legislative Page Programs
The Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories and Prince Edward Island Legislatures all have a Page program for high school students. Some of these programs not only give you a chance to get a first-hand experience with the workings of the Legislature, but they also offer payment. Check each Province’s website under the Provincial Legislative Page Programs section of the Useful Links page for more details about each program.
University Students
House of Commons Page Programs
Each year, 40 students graduating from high schools and CEGEPs are selected from across Canada to participate in the Page Program. Pages are undergraduate students who are registered as full-time students at one of the four universities in the National Capital Region. They work on a part-time basis during their first year of study. For more information about becoming a Page, please click the button below.
The Senate Page Program
The Senate Page Program offers students a paid opportunity to work within Canada’s parliamentary system.
Each year, 15 students from across Canada are selected to participate in this program. As a Senate Page You would be responsible for providing a range of services to ensure the effective operation of the Senate and its committees. In return you will witness parliamentary activities that make history such as when bills are debated, amended, and then become law and when Senate committees discuss draft reports that influence public policy in our country. In addition, you’ll have an opportunity to earn approximately $16,000 for the year of part-time work.
Provincial Legislative Internship and Page Programs
The British Columbia, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Quebec and Saskatchewan Legislative Assemblies all have either an internship or Page program for University students. Some of these programs not only give you a chance to get a first-hand experience with the workings of the Legislature, but they also offer payment. Check each Province’s website under the Provincial Legislative Page Programs section of the Useful Links page for more details about each program.